Tuesday, September 17, 2013


I had surgery a few days ago. Tonight I'm wondering if they'd just anesthitize me again just for fun? I doubt it. Until then, I'll keep swallowing sleepy meds.

I want to openly thank everyone sharing this head for being so cooperative. You guys have done a great job! Thank yoy also for taking the meds with us, I know how much you dislike them, but you know now it would have been much worse for you had you not.

Love you my peeps! Tonight I know you're frightened,  but it's ok, we're just going to rest now and not think about scary stuff ok?

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Being normal

Who defines 'normal' anyway?

We are working very hard at being normal-ish since family is here to help with surgery stuff. HOWEVER, my parents are accustomed to spending time with various persons, so it works out ok. When I told them about DID, without skipping a beat my Mom said, "Well that explains a lot". Lol, so I guess normalcy hasn't ever really been my normal.

Today I'm overwhelmed with love and a feeling of wholeness just because of being with them. Physically in bad shape for a few more days, lots of scattered parts in our head but feeling whole. ..this is how normal should be.  I'm sorry for those who don't have what I do and wish they could all experience this feeling, even if just for a moment.

I think this is what normal should be.

Are you normal? Do people feel strong and whole around you?

They don't around me, but I'm working on it.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Discussing Dissociation Blog

Hey! Kathy Broady's blog is rockin! Check it out at discussingdissociation.com

She's got loads of info, excellent articles and just overall greatness. Its a MUST READ!