Thursday, August 22, 2013

Good Things/Bad Things

Hey look! Found my log-in info and got this shiny new app on my phone. I'm ready to blog!

Been out of touch with blogging for a while, dealing with a few things lately like everyone else I guess. Having the first of a few surgeries soon, so I'll have more time for blogging yay! Blog therapy!

On to an actual topic...

Let's get physical!

Physical issues are often a commonality among DID peeps. In many occurrences, the problems are undiagnosable by the medical community.  Something hurts. Something somewhere isn't right. We go for test after test after test, dishing out all our bill money to frustratingly discover a wall. Stooopid walls!

On the other hand,  there are very diagnosable conditions that while treatable, aren't 100% curable without a miracle (I absolutely believe in those)  and become something we are forced to live with. It becomes a chronic issue. That's what I want to write about today.

I recently read a book by Dr Steven Pollard called, "Chronic Pain: A Self-Help Guide" . It is a gut honest account of what this man has experienced.  He puts into words everything I've thought,  but haven't been able express.  I appreciate it so much, its brought me to tears a few times both for my sadness for Dr Pollard, but also in how well I was able to relate.  Pain really blows.

So,  in my quest to live more positively,  I am trying to drum up conclusions about pain that I should be grateful for.  Does that sound crazy? I can't help it. I just so happened to be a bit crazy... read the blog title after all.

Here's what I've got so far:

1)Pain's voice expresses to us that something needs to be addressed.

2 Pain can be humbling which isn't always a bad thing.

3)Pain can teach; from it I am learning to have compassion for hurting people.

4) From pain,  I can also learn to have grace and mercy towards others understanding that pain is different for everyone.

That's it for the moment.  Come on someone read this and write your GOOD pain thoughts.


  1. Ack! You're right! Mobile version is good, web version is NOT. I'll try to fix

  2. pain sucks! But it is necessary. Not only physical pain; but emotional and mental pain. Mental that's one to write a blog on. :) Glad you are blogging again!


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